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Hackathon 4 Health

It was a great opportunity for all emerging thinkers, builders and disruptors 💡in MedTech and Health in general!

🆒 After a weekend of virtual networking, sleepless hacking, growth courses, discussions with mentors and constant pitching, the memorable Hackathon4Health 2020 (the pandemic edition) came to a close on Sunday, December 13th. The #Jury (Presidential Advisor conf.dr. Diana Paun, Georgiana Cosoveanu, Vice-Dean Stefan Busnatu, Matei Dumitrescu & the Managing Partner of I H C, Ciprian E. PALTINEANU) had the ungrateful task of picking 3 winners out of many amazing candidates.

All teams put a lot of inspiration and hard work into their ideas, but ultimately there were 3 initiatives that convinced us they have the special ingredient for the next level: 🏅MLB (oncology smart device) 🏅SYNOVIUS (orthopedic smart device) 🏅The Deliverables (“Glovo” of pandemic testing) Mindblowers and Patrudoizero got special awards from the mentors. Special mentions to the participants: -COGNIPAL -OncoProcess -PHA -Tehnică Dentară - UMFCD -Kinder-Derm -XCITE -SPECTRUM -Mă bucur de viață! -Driving Vision -MSTT -Pulsoximetru Inteligent -Detepsy -Burncare keep working hard, get better & follow your dreams! Many thanks to Georgiana Cosoveanu and the Janssen România team for the impeccable organization, to UMFCD, CieH & ASSMB, to all supporters of this landmark event in #Romanian #digitalhealth!

Congrats to all, keep contributing to shaping the future of medicine and healthcare, stay healthy and let’s see each other again in 2021!

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