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Romanian Banking Forum 2019 - day 1

I H C was honored to moderate the panel “BANKING 4.0: Digitalisation and the New Technologies” during the 1st day of Romanian Banking Forum 2019, organized by Piata Financiara/ Finmedia, trying, together with relevant stakeholders from the Romanian banking system, the FinTech sector and the IT&C industry in general, to debate the following critical topics:

• The impact of new technologies on banking

• The industrial-financial revolution induced by blockchain technologies

• Modeling digitalization and making it compatible with humanity

• How much customers accept AI interference in everyday life

• Cyber ​​security challenges

Moderator: Ciprian E. Păltineanu, Managing Partner & Principal Investor I H C

Speakers - all true practitioners with “skin in the game”:

Hottest topics and trends in banking & financial services:

#️⃣ Convenience

#️⃣ Invisible Banking

#️⃣ Accessing the client

#️⃣ Availability and security of the infrastructure

#️⃣ Phygital

#️⃣ Fast-paced, online E2E financial utility

#️⃣ Client retention

#️⃣ AI and IoT

#️⃣ Autonomy / freedom

#️⃣ Problem-solving, solution oriented

The Bank of the Future:

▶️ My Bank: “banking the segment of one, now!”

▶️ “Invisible”, universal, online E2E

▶️ “Master of Data”

▶️ Digitally tailored

▶️ Personal, easy to deal with, channel-agnostic

▶️ Proactive, leveraging AI

▶️ Open Bank

▶️ Gamified

Many thanks to all for sharing your vision in such an engaging discussion!

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