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Romanian Business Club in UK - 21st anniversary

The world seems to be in a constant fire-fighting mood: societal polarisation, pandemic, climate change, creeping stagflation and now war in #Ukraine and concerns about spillover in neighboring areas or at least the emergence of a new Cold War.

After too long of a period of predominantly virtual interactions, RBC UK members, alongside friends and sympathisers will gather today in London, in a prestigious CoViD-compliant venue graciously provided by our co-founder Daniel Badea of Clifford Chance, to discuss the new geopolitical reality and its impact on the business environment - with a certain natural focus towards #Romania, albeit all global markets are fair game for debate.

In this no-metaphor #VUCA world, where blunt reality is twisted by propaganda and civilised words seem impotent as extreme actions are being taken by some people granted with temporary power over others, we remain optimistic about the power of ideas, in hope of a better future.

We are at another evolutionary turning point and is self-explanatory that a better world with values and prosperity for all would be a world less inclined to violence.

Make no mistake, in spite of the perceived idealism of these objectives, at these discussions there is no naïveté, gullibility or simplicity, as all participants in the conversation - from all walks of life, backgrounds, professions and areas of expertise - have analytical minds, keen eyes, sharp pens and well-chosen words to generate key insights on what the future may bring.

We are honoured and fortunate to have as guest keynote speaker the NATO Deputy Secretary General Amb. Mircea Geoana, a longstanding supporter of #Romanian professionals abroad as well as #RBCuk, ever since its founding 20+ years ago.

Daniel Badea will moderate the discussion under the traditional Chatham House Rules of our Club.

All participants are encouraged to engage in the roundtable with Mircea Geoana, Adrian Petreanu, Mihnea “Mick” Vasilache, Bogdan Patriniche & Ciprian E. PALTINEANU to add their valuable personal views the impact on financial markets and the challenges (and opportunities) for Romania.

Looking forward to catching up with wise, visionary friends at this engaging and inspirational event!

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