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The Pandemic Will Pass - We Shall Overcome

Some of us are scared - will we make it out OK of this pandemic? Us, our loved ones, our neighbors, our elders, our disadvantaged? What about our savings, our startups, established businesses, various investments, our domestic economies? Will the world recover after this Black Swan? If yes, then when? V-shaped, W-shaped, L-shaped?

It is normal to be concerned. It is normal to ask difficult questions. We are facing the greatest disruption event in decades, we could say it is actually a multi-generational challenge we have not witnessed and (hopefully) would not witness in our lifetime.

With the exception of mandatory travels to traditional companies of strategic importance that cannot stop their business activity, we at I H C are spending the lockdown mainly at the home office, in countless Zoom calls to our VS/ angel portfolio companies and strategic advisory clients, keeping close, brainstorming about coping with the current challenges, fine-tuning, adjusting or even outright changing the business model, providing advice, guidance, steering and cashflow where needed. We remain empathetic yet cool-headed, swift yet calculated.

We are one with our founders and our clients.

We Shall Overcome!

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